If your not sure which type of massage would suit your particular situation, choose one below and select the link to find out more.
Massage doesn’t just feel good.
“Massage is to the human body what a tune-up is to a car.”
Massage should be part of your regular healthcare maintenance.
Holistic Massage
Is the gentle, rhythmical stroking and kneading of the body’s soft tissues. It has a profoundly calming effect, soothing away tensions, relaxing and balancing body, mind and spirit. Relaxing music and essential aromatherapy oils are used depending on your needs.
Therapeutic Massage
Therapeutic massage involves the manipulation of the soft tissue structures of the body to prevent and alleviate pain, discomfort, muscle spasm, and stress; and to promote health and wellness. Therapeutic massage has become mainstream, appealing to everyone from young adults to seniors. People are experiencing the therapeutic benefits of massage and report getting massages mostly to relax, relieve aches and pains, and help reduce stress. Therapeutic massage may enhance medical treatment and helps people feel less anxious, relaxed yet more alert. Research shows it reduces the heart rate, lowers blood pressure, increases blood circulation and lymph flow, relaxes muscles, improves range of motion, and increases endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers.
Relaxation Massage
A collection of techniques designed for relaxation, using massage oils to reduce friction. Therapeutic effects include increased circulation, increased flexibility, removal of lactic acid and toxins, relaxes nervous system, and stimulates the skin. This modality is designed to soothe one’s soul and reduce stress. This type of massage focuses on the skin and the superficial layers of muscles in the body.
Remedial Massage
Once considered an alternative treatment for sports injuries, remedial massage has now proved itself to be beneficial for all types of complaints and conditions from muscular injuries through to headaches and stress. Remedial massage uses several specialised techniques to locate and repair damage. This allows increased healing to speed up the body’s own repair mechanisms.