Holistic Body Therapies is a practice that was first initiated in 1994 by Richard Charlesworth.
The Holistic Body Therapies practice is located in Marion, South Australia.
The philosophy is to consider the body as a dynamic energy system which is in a constant state of change -by calming the mind we can initiate the body to relax, thereby allowing an inner calm and the ability to feel an act centred in the most chaotic of times.
How you feel about yourself is at the core of every decision you make and it will determine your ability to receive and improve your life force.
The contribution of many modalities -including the integration of Aromatherapy, Remedial and Therapeutic Massage, Reflexology, Myofascial Release Therapy, Polarity, Fascial Kinetics (Bowen) Therapy, Chakra and Body balancing assist in the connection of The Mind, The Body and The Spirit.
Massage and body work should not be considered simply as a mechanical art to keep us in good health, it assists us to monitor our every day stress levels and take responsibility for our own health.
Do not treat it as a luxury but a necessity.
Information and appointments can be made by calling: